Have fun on the rivers!

Reserve now to enjoy kayaking in southern Missouri

While staying at Cactus Canyon Campground, why not rent a kayak and enjoy the wonderful experience of floating the beautiful waters of the Bryant Creek and the North Fork River. Both waterways offer stunning views, wildlife and great fun in the sun on the water.


Kayak Rental Options

The Rivers

Kayak Photos

Reserve a Kayak for your trip

Important information and Q/A

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Cactus Canyon Campground Website


Kayak rental Options to choose from

$30/person 1/2 day Kayak Rental includes kayak, paddle and life jacket - you transport and port
$35/person 1/2 day Kayak rental includes kayak, paddle and life jacket - transport and porting provided (seasonally available - generally weekdays)    
$40/person CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE 1/2 day Kayak rental includes kayak, paddle and life jacket - transport and porting provided with expert river nature guide with sack lunch and beverages provided (seasonally available - generally weekdays)    

All kayakers must sign a release of liability form with Horse Shoe Ridge LLC prior to your kayak trip.

For safety reasons, NO solo kayaking will be permitted.

Horse Shoe Ridge LLC is owned and operated soley by Chaz Franzke. All material in these pages is copyrighted and may not be reproduced without written consent.